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Making the Case for a Global, Standardized Labeling Solution

As organizations grow there is a need to do more with less, especially when it comes to labeling

You rely on your labels to identify parts and products as they move through the supply chain. Unfortunately, when you use multiple, disconnected labeling systems, you risk costly labeling errors, fines and more.

In this report you’ll discover the importance of standardizing on a single labeling solution and the benefits it can provide. You’ll also learn about the risks of using homegrown, legacy and disparate labeling systems and how a modern, enterprise solution enables organizations to scale labeling across the globe.
Download this report to learn how:

  • Freudenberg enable printing of nearly 1M labels a month with 99% accuracy and efficiency by standardizing on Loftware Spectrum
  • You can save time and money on label-related maintenance by standardizing your labeling operations across the globe
  • To create a path for measurable improvement by evaluating your existing labeling processes
  • Choosing the right partner can make all the difference when evaluating labeling solutions

To find out more, download the report today.

  • Cloud
  • SAP
  • Supply Chain
  • Supplier Labeling
  • Labeling

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