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White Paper

Digitally Transform Your Barcode Labeling

Barcode Labeling is a critical component of any shipment and companies continue to struggle with its evolving demands. To combat these labeling challenges and enhance their business process, companies are deploying a unified barcode labeling approach to handle customer, product, regulatory, and regional labeling difficulties.

In this Q&A article from Logistic Management, Loftware’s VP of Product Management Josh Roffman, discusses his thoughts on the 'Amazon-effect', the critical role that barcode labeling plays in today’s supply chains and how Enterprise Labeling can help companies gain a competitive edge.

Download the Q&A transcript to get answers to questions regarding the:

  • Importance of labeling in the supply chain
  • Biggest challenges facing global logistics operations
  • Regulatory labeling environment and the impact shippers
  • Impact of Enterprise Labeling on your business processes
  • Regulatory
  • Supply Chain
  • Labeling
  • Track and Trace

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